Kolkata : Indian Pest Control Association, also known as “IPCA”. Is a not for profit trade association, having presence across India, with administrative offices in Mumbai & Delhi. With over 350 member organisations, being the premier association formed over 52 years ago with the sole vision to promote the industry and bring about more awareness to govt, private and public about different pests and pest management means to further healthy living. The annual convention “INDIAPEST -2023” is being convened at Kolkata- J.W. Marriot, where global brands and technical speakers of international repute would present technical sessions to upskill and share knowledge on latest products and methods in effective pest management. Various departments of the india government, various local bodies have taken note and have always welcomed and supported IPCA efforts to enhance the professional approach
in pest management, during covid the pest management community has contributed with combined efforts in reaching out to public service establishments and homes of infected to disinfect and provide containment measures, becoming the frontline workers. Hon. President Mr. Prakash Sasidharan, has over the last 3 years strategically strengthened the core of IPCA’s working bringing in more agility and working in areas which will benefit not just members but sharply enhance and add value to consumers availing services from IPCA members. Under his able stewardship ipca played a key role and forged ahead and signed an MOU with NIRRD, where ipca will facilitate the program jointly developed for manpower skilling. Not forgetting the numerous representations and presentations given at different trade shows and industry meetings, we can proudly share that recently the PMO awarded a member of IPCA with an award in the SME sector, this is a recognition to the works done by the industry and members of IPCA.
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