Research Media Group having journey of 30 eventful years has many landmarks to its credit. Thirty years in the life of a Serious Media Group like RMG is significant mile stone, especially coinciding with great changes that have taken place during this period In India and it's Southern neighbourhood and the world beyond. Research Media Group, after consolidating it's base in the diversified fields, is now put it's focus on establishing a satellite channel. To make real it's dream project, it has ventured into West Bengal and selected Kolkata the city of palaces, the city of joy as the strategic location to launch it's channel Great India Live. India's first intrastate channel, the launching of logo will be held on 11- 02-2021 (Thursday) with the famous Bollywood actress. Ms. Soumil Biswas & Ms. Sandpita Sen will be Unveiling the logo. Mr. Chaitanya Janga Chairman Research Media Group, Mr Kunche Venkata Ramana Rao Managing Director and Mr. P.V.S. Varma, Chief Editor of the channel Great India Live and some other local dignitaries will grace the launching event. Mr Chaitanya Janga Chairman of the group, addressed the press conference held on this occasion with the representatives of print and Electronic Media. Mr. Chaitanya said, “In the journey of all these years, the group has achieved progress with pride and pleasure. We value people and relations and our delighted customers inspired us to diversify into different areas with integrated and trustworthy approach. I had learnt so many things from experiences and many lessons from Initial failures. Today, Research Media Group is a major group of diversified companies. Now with the launch of our new venture, Great India Live, the satellite channel, The Group has entered the world of Infotainment. We put strong concentration on key issues, Political, Economical, Social, Cultural and Intellectual Issues that matters much”. While briefing about the purpose of Great India Live Channel, the Managing Director Mr Kunche Venkata Ramana Rao said, “ As the world of infotainment is heading towards a radiant future Research Media Group Prudently announced the launching of Great India Live Channel with a different approach in its profile and
projection. We are exercising every effort to present quality oriented programmes with a focus on knowledge and entertainment. We have retained a cream of creative professionals and employing technically advanced software systems that matches world standards”, he added. Mr. P V S Varma, Chief Editor of the Channel, shared his views with media during the press meet held with print and electronic media, he said "we have selected this illustrious city. We have exercised a lot of ground work and study to know more about the topography of the city, It's Historical, Cultural, Social and Political backgrounds in general and city in particular. Kolkata is the birth place of first noble laureate Viswa Kavi Rabindranath Tagore, who has given the national anthem to the nation and it is a great philosophical land from where Swamy Vivekananda gave a clarion call to the international society for spiritual awakening and it is the work place of various reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Eswar Chandra Vidya Sagar and patriots like Subhash Chandra Bose popularly known as Netaji and it is an abode of learning… Shanthiniketan and a seat of spiritual, architectural and natural heritage. We are coming with a fresh outlook and flavour intertwined with quality content and technological excellence in presentation of programmes in the areas of Entertainment, Cinema, Sports, Culture, Politics, Economy, Fine Arts, Health, Education and Spirituality and so on…” He also said that "the audience for televiewing is huge and still growing. There is a huge appetite out there for News, for Analysis, for Comment and of course for Entertainment and also for Infotainment. We are making everything ready to launch the channel Great India Live in the remaining 28 states and 6 union territories in the respective regional languages" said Mr P V S Varma Chief Editor of the channel.