ETERNAL CANVAS , a film directed by Abhishek Basu, produced by Ayanjit Sen, presented by La Pelicula Motion Pictures, was premiered at one of the most happening single screen cinema hall PRIYA CINEMA, by FLIXBUG APP. after winning 7international film festival awards and 6 nomination around the globe, the running for pre GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS 2021, and has won HOLLYWOOD GOLD AWARDS and INDIE FEST BEST MERIT AWARD from LA JOLA (California). Flixbug the international app, has taken the exclusive rights of the film and the film will be streamed at the app very soon. Many celebrities from the tollywood industry was seen at the premiere praising such a great content for the artists to celebrete Indian culture globally.
The film has renowned senior actress Papia Adhikari as Guruma and talented great actress and dancer of this generation Devlina Kumar as BIPASHA. producer Ayanjit Sen will be seen acting in a short charector. Tejas Gandhi has done the associate direction, costume and styling. The background Music deserves special mention with the blend of Indian classical music and western classical symphony. Music is done by Abhishek Basu and Avik Ganguly.
Actress Moubani Sarkar, actor Gourab Chatterjee, Actress Malobika Banerjee, Mrs India Richa Sharma, Actor Faiz Khan ,and many others from the industry were seen enjoying the movie at this new normal rules.