Making the most even during the ongoing pandemic situation, JDBI took up the initiative to spruce up their deserted campus and is ready to receive the students soon post the lockdown. Over the last couple of months, the Satellite Campus of J.D. Birla Institute – which houses its prestigious and highly acclaimed Department of Management – has undergone a makeover of sorts. The campus sports a neat, clean and well looked after visage. The Principal, Prof. Deepali Singhee, and her team have meticulously beautified the campus mainly utilizing and recycling already available materials thereby minimizing costs. The walls have been decorated with motivating quotes from well known personalities. A wall has been dedicated to former students who have been successful achievers, and
their photographs constitute the “Hall of Fame.” It is a sure motivator to current students to aspire for entry into the hallowed group. The students have been gifted with an “Adda Zone” and a well decorated but comfy Students’ Council Room. The wall-arts and a vertical garden have been set up by the students themselves. Most importantly, the Learning Resource Centre has been endowed with a brand new Fiction Section so as to encourage the reading habits of students. The Fiction section was inaugurated by Brig. V N Chaturvedi, Secretary General, Vidya Mandir Society, on 16th December 2020. The event was shared live online, and many students – both former and current – appreciated the efforts.