Asha Audio Company launched a single ‘Amader Gaan’, on the occasion of 74th Independence Day, sung by Lopamudra Mitra, Subhamita Banerjee, Jayati Chakraborty and Iman Chakraborty and recited by Bratati Bandhyopadhyay. The song is written by Rajib Chakraborty and music composed by Ashu Chakraborty. The Song is now available in Asha Audio’s YouTube channel and across all music platforms.
“This Independence Day is significant to us. Due to the pandemic, after so long time getting stuck at home, we all are eagerly waiting for freedom to breath in a fresh air. In the song, ‘Amader Gaan’, Mother signifies women. The woman can be a mother, sister, wife, daughter or a friend. The unison of the artists for the first time is itself unique. It was a great experience to work with all of them together. We are hopeful that the audience will love the song”, said Apeksha Lahiri, Asha Audio Company.